Metallic threads are so appealing, we all love their glittery nature. But can you stand the problems that come along with them? This booklet gives you the SOLUTIONS! No more pulling your hair out in frustration.
There are reasons for the problems. Ann Fahl has made a study of metallic thread challenges because she too had heavy thread breakage. She explains the reasons for the shredding and breaking; and fills this 28 page booklet with tips on how to make them work for you! This booklet is divided into segments so the reader can go right to the area that covers what type of sewing or project that is causing the problems. You will find a solution.
Here is the table of contents:
This booklet got its start when Ann was trying to quilt a miniature quilt with metallic thread, and the thread would shred and break about every 5 minutes. She was determined to figure out why this was happening. After hours, days and weeks of experimenting and working with other experts in the field she designed a workshop around the answers and solutions she found. Everything she learned is now included in this booklet to share with quilters and embroiderers everywhere. It has taken 2 years to complete!
The booklet is 28 pages, a color cover, instructions in black and white with photographs and charts, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, in a zip-lock bag.