Learn the basics of hand beading in this full day workshop. It is fun and relaxing, and adds a little sparkle to the surface of your quilt or to a garment. A small beaded landscape, 8.5 x 11 inches, will be the project made during the class.
Supply List
- Bring a scrap of floral fabric, and a 10 inch square of solid color fabric to practice different beading techniques!
- A selection of glass seed and bugle beads. *
- Beading needles*
- beading thread; Nymo or Silamide*
- Thimble
- Scissors
- Embroidery hoop, optional
- Small shallow plastic bowl, or Tupperware container with lid.
- All students are encouraged to bring projects they would like to bead. Time permitting, beading possibilities will be discussed with each student.
- Ruler that is 3 x 12 inches or larger
- Pencil
- Border, 8 x 11 inches
- Sky, 6 x 3 inches
- Sun 3 x 3 inches
- Mountain 4 x 4 inches
- Mountain #2 4 x 4 inches
- Grass 6 x 2 inches
- Wonder Under or paper backed fusible, yard
- Bugles in: orange, green, light and dark blue
- Seed beads in: green, blue, to match mountains
- The instructor will have beads, needles and beading thread available for purchase.
Classroom Setup: Please provide a table for every two students. One iron and ironing board for the class. No more than 20 students. Two large tables for the use of the instructor.
Fee and Travel Information